September 11, 2001 will be remembered as a day when Americans watched in disbelief as terrorists invaded and attacked our beloved homeland. From this point on, all of our lives have been forever changed. Many lives have been lost, and many families have been torn apart by this senseless act of violence.
New York:
The suicide attacks began on a seemingly normal business day, when American Airlines flight # 11 was hijacked en route to Los Angeles from Boston carrying 92 passengers; slammed into the upper section of the World Trade Center's North Tower at 8:45 a.m. EST (eastern time). At 9:13 a.m. a second passenger jet, United Airlines Flight #175 carrying 65 passengers was traveling from Washington destined to Los Angeles; struck the upper midsection of the Twin South Tower.
10:05 am (eastern time) the South Tower collapses, half an hour later the North Tower collapses.
The casualties possibly in the thousands, have yet to be totaled. Estimates are nearing 5000.
Washington DC:
At about 9:43am (eastern time) American Airlines flight #77 carrying 58 passengers crashes into the south side of the pentagon. Destroying the southern section that had been undergoing renovations.
The casualties nearing 200.
United Airlines Flight # 93 from Newark New Jersey traveling to San Francisco plummets to the ground and crashes after there had been a struggle between the passengers and the hijackers.
There were no survivors.
In the End:
The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, a symbol of America's financial prosperity had fallen to a pile of burning rubble; and the Pentagon the seat of America's Military Might, was smoldering. The rest of the Nation crowded around their televisions and radios listening, many were in disbelief, while others wiped away tears. When the smoke cleared, in the devastation thousands had lost their lives.
But they didn't succeed in breaking our spirit or our pride.
Americans have a renewed sense of pride, and patriotism. "Old Glory" graces houses, vehicle antennas, buildings, bridges, they line yards and driveways, children wave them to commuters from the bus windows on their way to school. We line up at the blood banks to give blood so there is plenty is when survivors are being treated in the hospital. We gather in Churches to pray for our fallen & lost brothers & sisters, husbands & wives, and emergency workers and fire fighters who rushed in to aid others. American's have set aside their differences and banded together in this time of need.
Just as uplifting, is the huge groudswell of support we have gotten from other nations. Not just our allies like Great Britain, France, Israel, Japan, Australia, Canada, Mexico, etc. But also nations with whom our relations are decidely shaky. Cuba, Lybia, Russia, and Jordan have all expressed their deep symathy for the victims, and our nation. Across the world, everyday people are pausing to leave flowers and cards at American embassies and observe moments of silence. Truly, this is an event which has both shaken and touched virtually the entire world.
(Sources: "Chicago Sun-times: 9/12/2001", "People Magazine: 9/24/2001 Ed", & "Chicago Tribune - Evening Extra 9/11/2001")

This site is dedicated to all of America, to every single American as an on-line memorial to: those who put out the fires, those who rushed to the aid of others, those who sift and search thru the debris for survivors, those who tend to the wounded, and to those who have lost their lives as a result of this travesty.
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